WhirlyGlobe  1.2
A 3D interactive globe toolkit for iOS
00001 /*
00002  *  VectorLoader.h
00003  *  WhirlyGlobeLib
00004  *
00005  *  Created by Stephen Gifford on 3/7/11.
00006  *  Copyright 2011 mousebird consulting. All rights reserved.
00007  *
00008  */
00010 #import "DataLayer.h"
00011 #import "Drawable.h"
00012 #import "VectorLayer.h"
00013 #import "LabelLayer.h"
00015 /* Vector Info
00016     This is passed to the target/selector right before we create a drawable.
00017  */
00018 @interface VectorLoaderInfo : NSObject
00019 {
00020 @public
00021     // The feature we're going to represent
00022     WhirlyGlobe::VectorShapeRef shape;
00024     // Where we'll draw the label, if there is one
00025     WhirlyGlobe::GeoCoord loc;
00027     // Attributes for visual and label representation
00028     // Setting this to nil will kill the feature entirely
00029     // Setting shape or label to nil will kill that component
00030     NSMutableDictionary *desc;
00031 }
00033 @property (nonatomic,retain) NSMutableDictionary *desc;
00035 @end
00037 /* Vector Loader description dictionary
00038     shape   <NSDictionary>  [See VectorLayer for details]
00039     label   <NSDictionary>  [See LabelLayer for details]
00040  */
00042 /* Vector Loader
00043         Loads the vector data as it comes from one or more readers.
00044     This will insert itself into the layer thread run loop and add
00045      a feature every time it gets called until it runs out.
00046     Each reader you hand it may have an associated target/selector.
00047      This gets called for every vector feature you add.
00048     You can pass in defaults which control how the feature is represented.
00049  */
00050 @interface VectorLoader : NSObject<WhirlyGlobeLayer>
00051 {
00052     WhirlyGlobeLayerThread *layerThread;
00053     VectorLayer *vecLayer;   // We'll add our vector data here
00054     LabelLayer *labelLayer;  // Labels go here
00056     unsigned int curReader;   // Which reader we're looking at
00057     NSMutableArray *readers;  // Readers (and callbacks) we'll use
00058 }
00060 // Need a vector, and possibly label, layer(s) to feed data into
00061 - (id)initWithVectorLayer:(VectorLayer *)layer labelLayer:(LabelLayer *)labelLayer;
00063 // Add this reader to the list to be read from
00064 // VectorLoader is now responsible for deletion
00065 - (void)addReader:(WhirlyGlobe::VectorReader *)reader target:(NSObject *)target selector:(SEL)selector desc:(NSDictionary *)defaultDict;
00067 // Convenience routine that creates a shapefile reader and adds that to the list
00068 // The target/selector are called with VectorInfo.  See that for details
00069 - (BOOL)addShapeFile:(NSString *)fileName target:(NSObject *)target selector:(SEL)selector desc:(NSDictionary *)defaultDict;
00071 @end