WhirlyGlobe  1.2
A 3D interactive globe toolkit for iOS
AnimateViewRotation Class Reference

#import <AnimateRotation.h>

Inheritance diagram for AnimateViewRotation:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - initWithView:rot:howLong:


NSDate * startDate
 When to start the animation. Can be in the past.
NSDate * endDate
 When to finish the animation.
Eigen::Quaternion< float > startRot
 Where to start rotating. This is probably where you are when you start.
Eigen::Quaternion< float > endRot
 Where to end the rotation. We'll interpolate from the start to here.

Detailed Description

Animate View Rotation is WhirlyGlobe Animation Delegate that will animate rotation from one point to another over time.

Member Function Documentation

- (id) initWithView: (WhirlyGlobeView *)  globeView
rot: (Eigen::Quaternion< float > &)  newRot
howLong: (float)  howLong 

Kick off a rotate to the given position over the given time Assign this to the globe view's delegate and it'll do the rest

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